

2014年09月23日15:54    来源:人民网-人民公益网    手机看新闻

#被吸烟,我不干# (#Say No to Forced Smoking)

#被吸烟,我不干#健康倡议,旨在提高公众对烟草危害的认识,鼓励“被吸烟者”大胆说“不”以维护自己的健康权益。中国的烟草消费量和生产量均居世界首位;吸烟者约3亿,占全球烟民人口的三分之一。此外,有7.4亿中国人被动吸烟,每年归因于烟草的死亡人数高达120万。#被吸烟,我不干# 将通过奖励创新的方式,鼓励公众通过微博或微信等社交媒体平台,参与宣传被动吸烟的危害,为“被吸烟,我不干”出谋划策。

#Say No to Forced Smoking is a BMGF-led social media campaign which is in collaboration with institutional partners committed to anti-smoking campaigns, calling to raise public awareness on harms of tobacco and bravely say no to forced smoking. China takes the top spot in the world in terms of tobacco consumption and production, where 30 million smokers account for one third of the world’s total. Moreover, there are approximately 740 million Chinese are exposed to second-hand smoke (SHS), and nearly 1.2 million people die due to smoking-related diseases each year. #Say No to Forced Smoking will encourage the public in the form of reward on innovations to participate in communicating harms of passive smoking and share novel ideas for the initiative through social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat. More details will be published in the second half of October. Please follow the Gates Foundation official Weibo or WeChat (@盖茨基金会) 



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